Industrial Process Automation Cloud computing is on the rise

With the rapid development of advanced technologies such as cloud computing and big data analysis, enterprises and process automation factories have more capabilities to solve various challenges. Many enterprises are rapidly developing their business using the Internet service model.

Cloud computing leverages virtualized and fixed computer resources to provide customers with solutions that enable global information services with minimal up-front investment. In addition, advances in these technologies are being made to facilitate industries such as big data analytics that organize, summarize, and analyze high-volume and diverse data. There are many applications of cloud computing in the field of industrial automation, including historical data, status maintenance, predictive maintenance, asset management and more.

This article will analyze how cloud computing technology translates into value to help future automation factories boost productivity.

The basic composition of cloud computing

Cloud computing is a model of network access that requires a set of shared computing resources such as servers, networks, storage devices, software applications, and clients. This is what all business managers need by interacting with service providers through efficient computing resource allocation.

The target customer needs are flexible, cloud-based services have on-demand usage, pay-per-use and multi-tenant characteristics. Therefore, there are three types of cloud computing services: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Cloud services can be divided into four categories, namely public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, community cloud. The most commonly used model is a hybrid model, a basic combination of two or more clouds that includes a variety of public, private, and community clouds. Public non-critical services often use the public cloud, and company-specific and specialized services using private cloud execution.

The combination of a large number of technologies makes cloud computing a reality for industrial automation services, including virtualization, utility computing, distributed computing, and grid computing. Virtualization enables multiple clients to share physical resources such as hardware and software, human resources and knowledge.

Cloud data collation and analysis

It can be seen that cloud computing has made leaps and bounds in various applications and has a huge impact on the industrial automation industry. It can help improve data management efficiency and equipment performance, and cloud computing technologies have opened up new opportunities in the industry.

In the past, unpredictable future events due to lack of data and predictive data models, today, these production models have been deployed to collect large amounts of data through the Internet of things, analytical tools to deal with the data for managers to provide the best decision-making reference.

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